headphone lover.

Thursday, March 4, 2010.

and so, my job as a sales assistant is finished! :(
after a good 3 months of experience, i finally have to let go of it as i have to concentrate my o levels. sighhh :(

life hasnt been good.
failed maths, mt, ss with flying colours. its not suprising that i failed my maths but the others? i expect nothing but the best. what to do. i have tried my best. at least.

sorry did not update regularly. spending my time wisely instead of doing things that wont do good. somehow, i just could not take it another year of suffering. i even dreamed of myself collecting the results and i even smiled i my dreams. but they were shattered when i know that it's time for me to go to school. i know its for my own good and i have to sacrifice everything i always do just to do well in o. but think again, isnt it a bit tooo much that i have to even sacrifice my sleep? hmmmm only god knows.

anyway, i just hoped that my sacrifice is enough. peace.


♥ ended at10:04 PM